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Invitation to be a Member of the Fair Trading Commission Survey Mailing List PDF Print
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 Invitation to be a Member of the Fair Trading Commission Survey Mailing List

As part of its continual assessment of the state of competition within the local economy, the Fair Competition Division of the Fair Trading Commission (FTC) periodically conducts studies in a number of markets and economic sectors.

Oftentimes these studies comprise an online survey which invites consumers from a wide cross-section of the adult population of Barbados to share their views and/or experiences regarding activities in an identified sector. To facilitate this process, the FTC is inviting individuals to join the FTC Mailing List.


What is the FTC mailing List?

The FTC Mailing List comprises individuals from a variety of backgrounds, occupations, and locations across Barbados. At the launch of a study on a particular topic or economic sector in which a survey instrument is used, members of the Mailing List will be invited to participate.

How does the FTC Mailing List work?

As a member of the FTC Mailing List you will be invited by email to share your opinions about a range of different topics. In some instances you may be asked to share your preferences for a range of initiatives, or you may be asked to share your consumption behaviour for a range of general products/services (e.g. telecommunications, transport, health, retail). Most of our invitations will involve asking you to complete a short online survey, or invite you to participate in a discussion group.

Will I be paid?

We will not be providing a financial incentive to join the FTC Mailing List or to participate in any of our surveys.

What’s in it for me?

The benefits of joining the FTC Mailing include:

The ability to freely share your views and experiences on matters of interest to you and the FTC

Contributing to robust market research initiatives

How often will I be contacted?

We are conscious of the busy schedules of our members and will endeavour to contact members no more than three times a year to participate in an online survey, poll or discussion group.

How long will it take to complete a survey?

Questionnaires will vary in length, but will typically take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Note however that each invitation to participate in a survey will first inform you about how long it should take to complete the questionnaire, as well as the time period in which to respond.

What’s the minimum age for joining the FTC Mailing List?

The FTC Mailing List is open to the adult population of Barbados. Members must be 18 years of age or older to join.

What if I want to leave?

Participation in all of our studies is completely voluntary. Members are free to unsubscribe from the FTC Mailing List at any time. Similarly, members who have unsubscribed are free to re-join the Mailing List at any time. To reactivate your membership simply send an email to the FTC outlining your intention to re-join the List.

What information do I need to supply?

Occasionally, our researchers may require the input of individuals with specific demographic characteristics. For example, studies may focus on individuals from a particular age-group, gender, or income band. In order to facilitate the selection process, members of the FTC  Mailing List are therefore asked to provide their name, contact details and general background information upon joining.

Will anyone else see my information?

No external parties will be provided with your details or responses that you provide to our surveys.

How do I join?

If you are interested in joining the FTC Mailing List please send an email to the FTC at This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it , informing of your interest in joining the FTC Mailing List.


For further information on the above, please feel free to contact the FTC at Tel. (246) 424-0260 or via e-mail at This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it  

Allegation: Anti-competitive Agreement by Shipping Agents of Barbados PDF Print

Case Opened: March 2010

The Commission has completed its investigation into the allegation of the setting of Local Administration Charges (LAC) by shipping agents. The allegation in this matter is that in June 2004 the Shipping Association of Barbados (SAB) met and the agents agreed among themselves to introduce a local administration charge. All Agents except one implemented these charges in the way agreed in 2004.

Allegation: Refusal to Supply by Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation PDF Print

Case Opened: January 2010

The Commission has completed its investigation into the allegation that the Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) had declined DIRECTV’s request to advertise its Digital Video Recorder (DVR) because it would conflict with CBC’s policy of not advertising for competitors.

Banking Industry in Barbados PDF Print
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   Fair Trading Commission

As part of its continual assessment of the state of competition within the local economy, the Fair Competition Division of the Fair Trading Commission (“Commission”) is conducting a short survey on the Banking Industry in Barbados with a view to collating your opinions regarding the factors that affect competition in the banking industry.

To facilitate this analysis the Commission is seeking your assistance in responding to the questions in this online questionnaire. Your participation is very important to us as the feedback provided will allow us to generate greater insights of the nature and extent of competition in the aforementioned market. There is no right or wrong answer to the questions in this questionnaire; we just want to hear your views. Please be reminded that all responses will be held in the strictest of confidence and no comments will be attributed to any individual in the writing of the final report.

To complete the survey, please click here.

Allegation: Anti-competitive conduct by LIME PDF Print

Case Opened: February 3, 2010

The Commission has completed its investigation into the allegation that Cable and Wireless (Barbados) Limited trading as LIME, was acting in breach of the Fair Competition Act CAP 326C, by contacting Digicel’s customers and enticing them with promotional offers, when Digicel (Barbados) Limited customers’ mobile numbers were private information. 

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