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Decision on the Digicel Motion to Review the FTC’s LRIC Guidelines Decision PDF Print

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No. 0002/12

IN THE MATTER of the Utilities Regulation Act, CAP.282 and the Fair Trading Commission Act, CAP.326B and the Telecommunications Act, CAP.282B of the Laws of Barbados;

IN THE MATTER of the Utilities Regulation (Procedural) Rules, 2003 and the Utilities Regulation (Procedural) (Amendment) Rules, 2009;

AND IN THE MATTER of a Decision and Order of the Fair Trading Commission dated the 12th day of December 2011 on the Long Run Incremental Cost Guidelines (LRIC) to be followed by Cable & Wireless (Barbados) Limited;

AND IN THE MATTER of Digicel (Barbados) Limited’s Application for a Review of the Decision dated the 12th day of December 2011;

THE FAIR TRADING COMMISSION HEREBY GIVES NOTICE that: It has denied Digicel’s application for a review of the Commission’s decision dated January 13th, 2012.

The Commission is of the view that Digicel’s grounds as set out in its Motion for Review and Written Submissions do not support a variation or modification of the Commission’s Decision and that Digicel has not demonstrated that errors of fact or law exist.

The Decision and Order may be viewed here...[pdf]

Dated the 13th day of June 2012.

Peggy Griffith,

Chief Executive Officer


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