The Digicel (Barbados) Company Limited (Applicant), by a Notice of Motion dated and filed on the 23rd of April 2015, applied for a review of the Commission’s Decision on the Long Run Incremental Cost Interconnection Rates (LRIC) Decision dated March 27th, 2015. This motion proposes a change in the glide path arrangements as determined in the Decision. The Applicant also sought an order staying this Decision. The Application for the Stay was heard by the Commission as a preliminary matter, by way of written submissions from Cable & Wireless (Barbados) Limited and CARITEL, to determine whether or not the Stay should be granted.
After assessing the Applicant’s submissions and that of Cable & Wireless (Barbados) Limited and CARITEL, the Commission granted the Stay pending its determination of the Motion to Review the LRIC Decision, with effect from June 15, 2015.
The Commission has issued its Procedural Directions to the Applicant, Cable & Wireless (Barbados) Limited and CARITEL, and will hear the substantive Motion to Review the LRIC Decision by way of a written hearing, pursuant to Rule 37 of the Utilities Regulation (Procedural) Rules, 2003, to determine the threshold question and the merits of the Motion.
Decision on the Application for a Stay of the Long Run Incremental Interconnection Rates Decision. [pdf]
Notice of Motion for a Review and Variation of the Long Run Incremental Interconnection Rates Decision. [pdf]