IN THE MATTER of the Utilities Regulation (Procedural) Rules, 2003 and the Utilities Regulation (Procedural) (Amendment) Rules, 2009;
AND IN THE MATTER of the Utilities Regulation Act, CAP 282 and the Fair Trading Commission Act, CAP 326B of the Laws of Barbados;
AND IN THE MATTER of the Application by the Barbados Light & Power Company Limited (the Applicant or BLPC) for a Review of Electricity
Rates pursuant to Section 16 of the Utilities Regulation Act, CAP 282 of the Laws of Barbados;
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Applicant has applied to the Fair Trading Commission (Commission) for the following, inter alia that:
(i) Interim rate relief, at the proposed rates, come into effect from November 1, 2021 and shall be applied to all bills from November 1, 2021 and that this remain in place until the Commission issues its final Decision and Order on the BLPC's Application.
(ii) The Proposed Tariffs come into effect from April 1, 2022.
(iii) The Rate Base as computed by BLPC and calculated to be $825,891,134 be approved.
(iv) The proposed capital structure of Debt of 35% and Equity of 65% used by BLPC in the determination of its Rate of Return be approved.
(v) The Rate of Return on Rate Base of 8.79% be approved.
(vi) The Revenue Requirement of $440,240,372 be approved.
(vii) The Existing Tariffs and Riders be replaced by the Proposed Tariffs and Riders.
(viii) The current Fuel Clause Adjustment (FCA) formula be modified to only recover fossil fuel related costs.
(ix) The renewable energy purchased power and the Energy Storage Devices (ESD) be removed from the FCA. The renewable energy purchased power be recovered through the establishment of a "Renewable Purchased Power Adjustment" and the ESD be included in rate base.
(x) The existing Standards of Service be retained.
(xi) Such further Orders or other relief as may be warranted.
1. Any person who wishes to intervene in the proceeding must file a letter of intervention no later than 4:00p.m on the 15th day of December 2021. The letter of intervention must comply with the provisions of Rule 64(6) of the Utilities Regulation (Procedural) (Amendment) Rules, 2009 which states:
Every letter of intervention shall:
(a) be divided into paragraphs and numbered consecutively;
(b) describe the intervenor, the interest of the intervenor in the proceeding and contain detailed grounds for the intervention;
(c) contain, subject to paragraph (7) of rule 64, a concise statement of the nature and scope of the intervenor's intended participation;
(d) request the written evidence if it is desired; and
(e) set out the full name, address, telephone number and facsimile number of no more than 2 representatives including counsel of the intervenor for the purpose of service and delivery of documents in the proceeding.
2. Any written questions (interrogatories) about the Application and the accompanying documentation must be included in the letter of intervention.
3. At any Hearing only those persons who have filed a letter of intervention in accordance with the above criteria, will be entitled to be heard.
4. Copies of the Application, supporting documents filed by the Applicant and the Utilities Regulation Act, Fair Trading Commission Act, Utilities Regulation (Procedural) Rules 2003, Utilities Regulation (Procedural) (Amendment) Rules, 2009 can be viewed on the Commission's website at or perused, by appointment, at the Commission's office, "Good Hope", Green Hill, St. Michael
between the hours of 9:00a.m and 4:00p.m. Mondays - Fridays.
5. Notice of the date for the commencement of the Hearing will be given at a later date.
Dated the 31st day of October 2021.
Kevin K. D. Webster
General Legal Counsel/Commission Secretary