Home arrow News arrow Press Releases arrow Commission is Inviting Proposals for the Review of its Organizational Structure

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The Fair Trading Commission "the Commission" is inviting proposals for the review of its organizational structure. The Commission was established on January 2, 2001 through the Fair Trading Commission Act, CAP. 326B (FTCA). The Commission is a regulatory body empowered through the FTCA to administer the Utilities Regulation Act, CAP. 282 (URA), the Fair Competition Act, CAP. 326C (FCA) and the Consumer Protection Act, CAP. 326D (CPA). The Commission also administers some aspects of the Telecommunications Act, CAP 282B, The Barbados Water Authority Act, 274A and the Electric Light & Power Act, (ELPA) 2013-21.


Need for Review

The Commission currently has a staff complement of thirty-five (35) and has continued to evolve over its twenty years of existence.  The regulatory functions of the Commission are augmented by Legal, Administration, Accounting and Information Technology resources.  The launch of the BNEP, the main objective of which is to achieve 100% renewable energy electrification and carbon neutrality by 2030, has further emphasized the need for the Commission, as a critical facilitator of this national initiative, to re-examine its operations and resources.


Additionally, given the increasing frequency and complexity of the consumer protection and fair competition issues being presented locally, regionally and internationally and in order to respond to the demands created by the changing global environment, as a regulator, the Commission, must seek to reposition itself to be more proactive in effectively addressing the associated needs.  


To do this the Commission must pause and embark on a critical review of its current organisational structure and operations, with the overall objective of increasing organisational efficiency and effectiveness and ensuring optimal utilisation of its human and technical resources.  This approach will allow the Commission to remain relevant in the face of a most dynamic marketplace.


Objectives of Assessment

The objective of the organisational structure review and diagnostic is to assess its organisational capacity, the management and delivery capability and to make recommendations, that have been tested and proven within a regulatory environment, for improvement.  The assignment shall:


§  Facilitate the analysis of the current organisational and human resource structure of the organization;

§  Identify the strengths and weaknesses in the current organisational structure and organisational capacities and provide an in-depth analysis of the underlying causes of any capacity weaknesses and propose recommendations for improvement;

§  Propose the implementation of management systems aimed at ensuring effectiveness and efficiencies in performance;

§  Review the organisational chart, division of authority and responsibility and propose a structure that addresses the Commission's mandate, procedures and requirements of the stated work programme and facilitates succession planning.

§  Review job responsibility requirements of all positions and assist in the development of clear criteria for existing job descriptions, where required.   


The review will assess the effectiveness of the current structure - the operations within each division; consider the collaboration between the various divisions; and provide comment on the extent to which the current organisational structure facilitates the management and execution of its programmes/projects and make recommendations for improvement where necessary.


The review will also assess the existing salary structures, with the objective of ascertaining the level of internal equity and external competitiveness, which contribute to the Commission's ability to:


§  Acquire and efficiently utilise resources;

§  Achieve organisational flexibility and staff retention; and

§  Fulfill its functional mandate.


Qualifications of the Service Provider:

Prospective service providers must provide the following:-


-       A profile of the organisation describing the nature of the business, field of expertise, accreditations;

-       Roles and qualifications of the individuals expected to work on the project;

-       A list of clients for whom similar services as those required by the Commission were provided within the last five (5) years;

-       A breakdown of the work schedule, outlining roles and man-hours assigned to team members, unit rates and the final cost.


The Commission does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any proposal in this process and reserves the right to withdraw this proposal; to reject any and all proposals and to accept any proposal deemed to be in the best interest of the Commission.


Interested service providers are invited to click here for full details of the Request for Proposals (RFP) and are requested to submit project proposals to:


             The Chief Executive Officer

             Fair Trading Commission

             Good Hope

             Green Hill

             St. Michael

Email - This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it


Deadline for submissions:  Friday, December 3, 2021
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