Home arrow Utility Regulation arrow Articles arrow FACTS: BL&P Rate Review Application

Did You Know?

  • The FTC must consult the public before making decisions on utility regulation matters.
  • The FTC has the power to stop a merger.
  • If you have been misled about the price or nature of goods or services, you must first let the business try to resolve it before contacting the FTC.
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Did you Know: …

that ANYONE can be an intervenor in a Rate Hearing. As an Intervenor, you can actively participate in the Commission’s evaluation of the BL&P’s Rate Review Application.

To serve as an Intervenor you must submit a LETTER which -

 Must be divided into paragraphs, numbered consecutively;

 Should describe you or your organisation and the reason(s) for your interest in the Rate Review Application;

 Should contain a concise statement of how you or your organisation intend to participate in the proceeding;

 Should request any written evidence you need, and;

 Must include the full name, address and telephone and fax numbers of no more than two (2) representatives, including Counsel for the intervenor, for the purpose of delivery of documents in the proceeding.

If you are interested in becoming an intervenor, your Letter of Intervention, must be submitted to This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it no later than 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 15, 2021.

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