Home arrow Consumer Protection arrow Press Releases arrow Barbados Light & Power Company Limited Rate Review Application - CONFIDENTIALITY HEARING - Affidavit

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On October 4, 2021, the Barbados Light & Power Company Limited (the “Applicant”) submitted an Application to the Fair Trading Commission (the “Commission”) for a review of electricity rates (the “Application”). The Application sets out proposed increased rates for electricity service that the Applicant is requesting become permanent.
In the Application, the Applicant sought an order that there be a Confidentiality Hearing in accordance with Rule 13 of the Utilities Regulation (Procedural) Rules, 2003 (the “URPR”), to determine any requests from the Applicant for confidentiality. (See Volume 1, page 28 of 30, paragraph 106 f. of the Application)
The Applicant has made a request for confidentiality, pursuant to Rule 13(1) of the URPR in respect of its proposed new operational licences, System Expansion Plan and Five Year Investment Plan (the “Documents”). In support of its request for confidentiality, the Applicant has filed with the Commission an affidavit detailing, inter alia, the reasons for its request and the nature of the Documents, in accordance with Rule 13(2) the URPR.
Rule 13(3) of the URPR requires that any requests for confidentiality made pursuant to Rule 13(1) of the URPR (such as the Applicant’s request) be placed on the public record. Accordingly, a copy of the Applicant’s Affidavit in support of its request for confidentiality may be accessed here or obtained from the Commission’s office between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
The Commission will convene a Confidentiality Hearing to determine the Applicant’s request for confidentiality, pursuant to Rule 13 of the URPR. Due to the nature of the Confidentiality Hearing, the hearing will be held in the absence of the public, pursuant to Rule 39 of the URPR.
A copy of the Rate Application can be reviewed on the Commission’s website at www.ftc.gov.bb. Should you have any queries, you may call the Commission at 424-0260 or email This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Dated this 26th day of April, 2022 
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