1. As part of the Commission's review of the Standards of Service for the BLPC, the
Commission intends to undertake a hearing process which commences on
Wednesday June 8, 2022 (the "
Hearing"). Pursuant to Rule 37(1) of the Utilities Regulation (Procedural) Rules, 2003 (as
amended in 2009) (the "
URPR"), the Hearing will be a written hearing;
2. Interested parties are entitled to participate in the Hearing and make written submissions before the Commission, once granted Intervenor Status;
3. Intervenor Status may be obtained by submitting a Letter of Intervention to the Commission in accordance with Rule 64 of the URPR, which states that Letters of Intervention shall:
(a) be divided into paragraphs and numbered consecutively;
(b) describe the intervenor, the interest of the intervenor in the proceeding and contain detailed grounds for the intervention;
(c) contain a concise statement of the nature and scope of the intervenor's intended participation;
(d) request the written evidence if it is desired; and
(e) set out the full name, address, telephone number and facsimile number of no more than 2 representatives including counsel of the intervenor for the purpose of service and delivery of documents in the proceeding.
4. Only those parties who have submitted a Letter of Intervention in accordance with the criteria as set down in the URPR, and have received a letter from the Commission's Secretary advising that Intervenor Status has been granted, will be entitled to participate in the Hearing. The Commission highly encourages parties to refer to the URPR, specifically Rule 64 with respect to Applications for Intervenor Status, when preparing their Letters of Intervention;
5. Letters of Intervention must be submitted to the Commission no later than 4:00 p.m. on Friday June 3, 2022;
6. In preparation for the Hearing, the Commission has outlined in detail its proposed amendments to the Standards of Service for the BLPC in a document titled "Proposed Standards of Service for the Barbados Light & Power Company Limited (BLPC) 2022" (the "Document"). Parties who have been granted Intervenor Status by the Commission will be given the opportunity to submit their views, proposals or comments on the matters outlined in the Document, by way of written submissions to the Commission on or before Tuesday June 21, 2022;
7. Copies of the Document, the URA, the URPR and the Fair Trading Commission Act CAP. 326B of the Laws of Barbados, are available in the links highlighted here and may be inspected at the Commission's office at "Good Hope", Green Hill, St. Michael between the hours of 9.00a.m. and 4.00p.m., Monday to Friday;
8. Letters of Intervention should be prepared as PDF or Word documents, attached to an email cover letter and sent to the attention of the Chief Executive Officer (Ag.) at
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9. Letters of Intervention may also be faxed to the Commission at (246) 424-0300. Mailed or hand delivered responses must be submitted to: