Price Regulation |
Printed in the Business Monday newspaper on April 11th, 2011
The Fair Trading Commission, as a regulator of public utilities, has a mandate to ensure that each utility operates efficiently so that rates are kept as low as possible. At the same time the Commission must offer utility companies an opportunity to make a reasonable return on their investment in order to ensure their long-term sustainability as well as safeguard the reliability of supply to customers.
Key Concepts of Economic Regulation |
Printed in the Business Monday newspaper on March 14th, 2011
Traditionally throughout the world utility services were provided by a single entity. Over time, however, these incumbent monopoly providers were exposed to market forces as governments permitted new players to enter the market during an era of globalisation and liberalisation of traditionally protected markets.
Telecom Regulation Over the Past Decade |
Printed in the Business Monday newspaper on February 28th, 2011
This year marks the 10th anniversary of the existence of the Fair Trading Commission. As such this article will discuss some of the developments, at least as far as telecommunications is concerned, that occurred during this period.
Customer Complaints and Queries |
Printed in the Business Monday newspaper on August 23rd, 2010
The Fair Trading Commission receives and responds to many customer queries and complaints on a daily basis with respect to utility bills for electricity and landline telephone services. These services are provided by the two regulated service providers, the Barbados Light & Power Company Limited (BL&P) and Cable & Wireless (Barbados) Limited (C&W) respectively.
Why Regulate Utility Services like C&W? |
Printed in the Business Monday newspaper on September 20th, 2010
Utility companies provide services that are necessary and important to the general public. The supply of electricity, telecommunications and water fall into this category.
So why are these industries often regulated and treated different from other industries such as manufacturing or food processing? Why do regulatory organisations such as the Fair Trading Commission exist? There are several reasons for this - the main one being the importance of the service both to the consumer and to the economic welfare of the county as a whole.
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