Home arrow Utility Regulation arrow Applications arrow Public Notice in the Application by the Barbados Light & Power Company Limited

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  • The FTC must consult the public before making decisions on utility regulation matters.
  • The FTC has the power to stop a merger.
  • If you have been misled about the price or nature of goods or services, you must first let the business try to resolve it before contacting the FTC.
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No 0001 of 2008

IN THE MATTER OF the Utilities Regulation (Procedural) Rules 2003;

IN THE MATTER of the Utility Regulation Act, Cap. 282 and the Fair Trading Commission Act, Cap. 326B of the Laws of Barbados;

AND IN THE MATTER of the Application by the Barbados Light & Power Company Limited for approval of their depreciation policy. THE FAIR TRADING COMMISSION HEREBY GIVES NOTICE that:

An Issues Conference will be held on January 16, 2009 at 10:00 a.m. at the offices of the Fair Trading Commission located at ‘Good Hope’ Green Hill, St. Michael. This Issues Conference is being convened pursuant to Rule 34 of the Utility Regulation (Procedural) Rules 2003 for the depreciation hearing in order to:

  • identify the issues to be considered at the upcoming depreciation hearing;
  • fix the list of issues to be determined at the depreciation hearing
  • clarify matters where documents filed do not sufficiently set out matters;
  • assist all of the parties to participate effectively at the depreciation hearing;

Only the Applicant and the two Intervenors, the Barbados Association of Non-Governmental Organisations and Mr. Olson Robertson will be allowed to actively participate in the proceedings.

Dated the 09 day of January 2009

Peggy Griffith

Chief Executive Officer

Fair Trading Commission

Telephone: 424-0260

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