IN THE MATTER of the Fair Trading Commission Act, Cap.326B of the Laws of Barbados;
AND IN THE MATTER of the Utilities Regulation Act, Cap. 282 of the Laws of Barbados;
AND IN THE MATTER of the Utilities Regulation (Procedural) Rules, 2003 and the Utilities Regulation (Procedural) (Amendment) Rules, 2009;
AND IN THE MATTER of the Depreciation Policy Decision dated February 25, 2009;
AND IN THE MATTER of an Application of Barbados Light & Power Company Limited for review of the Depreciation Policy Decision dated February 25, 2009 pursuant to Section 16 of the Utilities Regulation Act, Cap.282.
The Barbados Light & Power Company Limited (“the Company”) has submitted an Application to the Fair Trading Commission (“the Commission”) for review of the depreciation rates approved by the Commission in 2009 and approval of its Depreciation Policy. This Application will result in a Review of the Depreciation Policy Decision dated February 25, 2009 and is made in accordance with Section 16 of the Utilities Regulation Act, Cap.282 of the Laws of Barbados.
Any person who wishes to intervene in the proceedings is hereby notified that they must file a letter of intervention by 4:00 p.m. on the 25th day of March 2020. The letter of intervention must comply with the provisions of Rule 7 of the Utilities Regulation (Procedural) (Amendment) Rules, 2009 (URPR) which amends the Utilities Regulation (Procedural) Rules, 2003.
1. During this hearing only those persons who have filed a letter of intervention in accordance with the criteria as set down in the URPR will be entitled to participate.
2. The HEARING of the Application to approve the Depreciation Policy pursuant to Section 16 of the Utilities Regulation Act, Cap. 282 will be convened by way of WRITTEN AND ORAL HEARING pursuant to the procedural directions which will be issued at a later date.
4. Copies of the Utilities Regulation Act, the Fair Trading Commission Act, the Utilities Regulation (Procedural) Rules 2003, the Utilities Regulation (Procedural) (Amendment) Rules, 2009 relating thereto may also be viewed on the Commission’s website or perused at the Commission’s office.
Dated the 11th day of March 2020.
Kevin K. D. Webster
Senior Legal Officer/Commission Secretary
Fair Trading Commission
Telephone: 424-0260